I said i would go , but had to cry off at the last moment . 我是说过要去的,但事到临头却不得不改变了主意。
He tried to cry off after swearing he would do it 他发誓要做此事,之后又试图撒手不干了。
You promised to go with us ; what ' s make you cry off ( going 你本来答应跟我们一道去的;为什么又不去了呢?
Pretend to want something awfully , then cry off for her sake 先假装非常要一样东西,随后又为她的缘故把它放弃了。
Lean and i were going to go to morocco together , but at the last moment she cried off 里恩和我打算一同去摩洛哥,但在最后一刻她放弃了。
Oh , very well , very well ! denisov cried ; now its no use crying off , its your turn to sing the barcarolle , i entreat you “得啦吧,好,好, ”杰尼索夫喊道, “现在用不着托词推卸,该您唱barcarolla了,我央求您。 ”